January 31st, 2014 kicked off the first annual New Year’s Eve (Afternoon) Women’s Fatbike Ride! 

My friend Kristin and I had planned to go out riding anyway, so why  not invite other women out to experience rolling around on fat tires?

The ride would start after 1:30 p.m. once those who came were set up with their rentals if needed. Diane, Rhonda, Barb, Kristin, and I were going to go out on a sunny, but pretty darn windy afternoon! This would be the first time Barb and Rhonda would be hitting the mountain bike trail- that alone is exciting!

Our route started out on River Trail, I had Kristin lead so I could stay at the rear for the first part. My idea behind this was that it would give those new to riding someone experienced to lead; also it would give me an idea of how to ride with those who are new to the trails. Slower paced and essentially keeping everyone together. I’m not interested in the drop-ride concept, even if we end up behind, those in the group can be assured that someone who knows the way will be there.

After River Trail we rode up Quarry Hill and snuck in on IPT. This time Diane and I were in the lead, Kristin kept up with the rear. It was great to see Barb and Rhonda trying out some downhill spots that would be considered intimidating! I was very impressed. Uphills were a struggle, but that is something that is learned in time. Momentum is huge and if you are fresh to mountain biking, you will likely find yourself stalling out on hills due to attempting them at a slower speed.
We made our way up the fire road to the pines and did a few loops through them. Kristin, Diane, and I took turns taking the lead.

Everyone enjoyed their time and that made me feel really good about the ride! No one was left behind; everyone was included in some shape or form. I even liked how the three experienced riders of the group (Diane, Kristin, and I) were able to take part. The best part was being able to introduce a new world of riding to two women- both coming away with having done something they never thought was possible!

Goes to show- it doesn’t matter your age when it comes to new experiences or styles of riding, it’s just getting yourself out there and giving it a try!

If you join one of our group rides, we will do our absolute best to make sure you feel comfortable with the bike you are on and where you are riding. Questions are encouraged! If you are new to off-road riding, we will lead the way and walk you through tricky areas. Remember- there is nothing wrong with walking!

Mark your calendars for January 31st 2015 for the annual Decorah Bicycles Women’s Fatbike Ride! Time will be determined closer to date.

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